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Chinese translation for "dome area"


Related Translations:
domes:  多梅斯拱形结构
elliptical dome:  椭圆形穹顶
tokyo dome:  东京巨蛋球场京巨蛋
semi dome:  半穹顶
endogenous dome:  内成火山丘内成穹窿内生火山穹丘
dome volcano:  穹形火山
dome resistance:  导流罩阻力
dome roof:  拱顶圆盖形屋顶
ir dome:  红外穹门
nagoya dome:  名古屋巨蛋
Example Sentences:
1.In this case , the employee was trying to use his cell phone ' s illuminated screen as a source of light as it was dark by the dome area on the top of the truck
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